Registration for LangFest 2025 will open Monday, February 24th.
Important Information
Exact event timing will be announced at a later date.
Language Fest details: LangFest will start with a spoken session in Konover Auditorium at the Dodd Center, consisting of a grad student flash talk symposium, a data blitz, and undergraduate commencement speeches. Then poster session(s) will begin in W.A. Bousfield Psychology Building. Sandwiches, beverages, and dairy bar ice cream will be provided at the poster session.
Poster session details: There will be two poster sessions. The first session will be posters with odd numbers and the second session will posters with even numbers. There will be a 15-minute overlap between sessions to allow each presenter enough time while also keeping the event within the target end time. You will find your poster number in the program that will be emailed to you.
Poster Set Up & Take Down: Each poster will have an assigned number (poster numbers will be marked on the boards). We ask all presenters (regardless of session) to put up your poster before the start of LangFest (or at least before the start of the first poster session). Members of the organizing committee will be available to help you find your poster location and put up your poster beginning at 1:00pm. If you would like to put up your poster earlier in the day, please feel free to reach out ( so we can assist.
We also ask that you not take your poster down until the end of Lang Fest so attendees can review your poster (even if your session has completed) and to not disrupt the ongoing session. If you must leave before the end of the event, the Language Fest committee can take down and hold onto your poster to be picked up at a later day/time.
Poster Preparations: Poster boards will be 70-in (width) by 50-in (height) in dimension. Based on previous events with these poster boards, we find that 48-inch (w) x 36-inch (h) fit well within these boards.
Data Blitz presenters: Emma Wing and Kaya LeGrand are the “hosts” for the Data Blitz and you will receive an email from them with additional details. Please contact them directly ( if you have any questions about the Data Blitz component of your presentation.
For any questions about Language Fest, please e-mail: